24 January 2011

Warning For Free Wordpress Theme Searchers

Siobhan has a very good and informative article pointing to the dangers of downloading free Wordpress themes from unreliable sources. I thought of tweeting her warning at first but considering the very few followers I had, decided to publish here.

Apparently discrete base64 coding is becoming a norm among the evil-doers. Though many seem to be aiming getting backlinks, a base64 code can virtually hide anything. So, reading her post will be most helpful as she provides a number of trustworthy sites (both free and commercial) where you can shop for a theme to your liking in addition to some tools to scan and detect malware.

If we look into the Blogger platform, so far I have not come across anything similar but who knows what's in an obscured piece of code? If you think you can handle it, you can always do what I did in the new face-lift: editing one of the default templates. Be safe!

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