12 February 2010

Time Takes its Toll

It's been a while since I posted due to a sickness that literally pinned me down in my bed. Coming back is not so easy. Log of Archiver was a mess: I tried so many things, tweaked my way around to such a degree that I was unable to remove a widget; everything had to be done by editing the HTML. It was an indicator to a new template with zero widgets floating around. I have just done that (a few previous posts may not work, though, but I'll look into it).

Another reason for the change is Blogger now does a lot of things, things we have to use external scripts to function. "Read more" hack, for instance. If you switch to the brand new editor, you will see a new icon that says "insert jump break" which is the Bloggerese for "read more".

I have never used a stylish template before, been fond of white, minimalistic themes; this is my first. I had to shop around for quite some time until I found one that was not so colorful, had a fluid width and loaded fast. This one passed the test.

1 comment:

  1. Interestingly, this time I cannot move widgets[sigh]; not a problem, though.
