14 April 2009

Secret World: A Contemporary Dark Fantasy

That's how Ragnar Tornquist, director of The Secret World, the new massively multi-player on line role playing game (MMORPG) describes it. If you are into the occult and theories of conspiracy, religious or otherwise, there is a good chance that you might like this game and forget everything else. Dedroidify has a very good review of the game that goes back 100 million years and involves everything from the Knights Templar to Pandora's box to the Garden of Eden to the Fountain of Youth to the Freemasons, and just about every other myth that has ever been tied to a conspiracy theory or occult investigation.

Set in three different cities of your choice, New York City, Seoul or London, you will lead an ordinary life in the Secret world until you discover that all the urban legends and old wives' tales that used to frighten you as a child are very real and, in some cases, very dangerous. Here is the trailer:

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