09 April 2009

Mysterious Google PageRank

No matter how many times you explain, I am amazed to see bloggers getting confused by Google's infamous PageRank. I summed up the effect of pay-per-posts on Google PageRank and the potential penalty that you are likely to incur so I will not go into detail here again. Instead I want you, of course if you are a blogger, to consider this:

What does a PageRank mean on your blog's main page?

It means and it should mean nothing. Why? Simple:

PageRank rates individual pages.

So there really is no point for Google or any search engine for that matter to attribute a measure of importance to your index page; it is not a measurement of sitewide popularity. To give you an example to illustrate my point, here is the main page of Experiments in CyberSpace, with a rank of "n/a", and here is an individual post: Meet Thom Creed, Your Gay Superhero, with a rank of "1" at the time of writing this very post.

So, do not panic and pay too much attention on your main page, focus on your relative importance of your articles.

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